Thursday, November 25, 2010


Turkey day means Thanking day. I am soooo thankful for the things I have in my life. Here we go:
1. My dad. He has taught me some of the most valuable lessons in life that I know I will never forget. He has taught me how to be strong.
2. My mom. She has taught me that no matter where I am in life I will always be able to turn to her and my family. I want to be just like her when I grow up.
3. Kristy and how much she values her education and how independent she is. I look up to more than she knows.
4. Garrett and that he has always been a caring big brother who is always there.
5. Kena and that she has come into our family.
6. Peyton and Rylee. I really can't tell you how much they mean to me. Their little 'i love yous' and calling to talk make the days better.
7. Zach. He really is one of the best big brothers ever and that he is so involved in the roping world and knows all the cowboys. (;
8. Holly. Another huge role model in my life. She knows just what to say and when to say it.
9. My grandparents. Huge examples in my life and always there whenever you need anything. My Grandma Sullivan welcomes anybody into her home and my Grandma Wonnacott always wants the best possible for her grandchildren.
10. My brothers friends. I know it sounds so stupid but really they make me happy.
11. My aunts, uncles and cousins. I'm thankful that I have such a huge family who loves me.
12. The 'Jenny, Emily and Caity' group. I love those girls sooo much and am so glad I was privileged to grow up with them.
13. FFA and an advisor who cares about his kids.
14. My friends. I love them.
15. Nicole Winona. She has no idea how much she has impacted my life and how much I look up to her.
16. Nicole's parents. They make her responsible for things which oddly impacts my life and makes me realize that I need to be responsible for my things.
17. My school. I am seriously so proud and glad that I go to Desert Hills.
18. The gospel. This really should be way up on the list. I love the gospel with my whole entire heart. It brings joy into my life.
19. Facebook. I'm an addict.
20. Boys. Yeah it's true I'm thankful for them.
21. My Leeds boys. They seriously are some of my best friends. They are always there and are all like my brothers. I love them.
22. Leeds. It's beautiful and its home.
23. My home.
24. My bed.
25. My electric blanket.
26. Electricity.
27. Warm water.
28. The ability to be happy.
29. My truck.
30. My church leaders and teachers.
31. My school teachers and leaders.
32. Seminary.
33. My cell phone. Well sometimes.
34. Music.
35. Love. It's one of the most powerful feelings and objects on planet earth.
36. The love I have for our Savior and the love he has for me.
37. My trials.
38. The land we own.
39. Prayer.
40. Temple marriages.
41. Eternal families.
42. Honesty. I HATE lying.
43. People who tell the truth straight up.
44. Repentance.
45. The friends I have made throughout this life.
46. Clothes. Being naked everyday would suck.
47. Food. I <3 food.
48. The memories that I remember.
49. Common sense. It's saved me more than once.
50. Being raised to be a cowgirl.
51. Being raised to be tough and yet know when it's okay to be sensitive.
52. The ability to laugh. I love laughing. It's the best feeling in the world.
53. My life.
55. That I can walk, talk, read, hear, see, smell, feel, write, comprehend, and learn things.
56. The stories my dad tells me about when he was little and the knowledge I know about my family history.
57. Family history.
58. School.
59. Knowledge.
60. My knowledge of respect and that I know when to be respectful.
61. That I know my parents and family love me.
62. Volunteering. There's nothing better. I would rather volunteer than work.

There is so much more but I think you catch my drift that I'm thankful for a lot of things. (:

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I didn't know you had a blog either! I'm glad you found me. Nice thanksgiving list. I loved reading through it.
