Sunday, January 9, 2011

Senior Ball 2011.

It's so weird to think that it's 2011 and write/type it.. Anyways that's besides the point. Yesterday I had the opportunity to go with Jace Smethurst to Senior Ball. Our school, (we're the best:)) held a service project in the morning that students could attend for part of their day date. We went out to Tonaquint Nature Center and helped clean up the facility that was overpopulated with a trillion+ leaves and old spiders and cobwebs. It really was a great way to start the day off though. Then we went and got some pizza and headed out to the Bowling Alley but that was closed because of Special Olympics so we went over to Austin Frazier's house and played Just Dance! I love love love that game! So fun! We ended up going to dinner at Chili's which was so yummy! Then we headed over to the dance which was beautiful! Good job Senior Class (:.. Thank you so much Jace, it really was fun!

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